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1. What are the requirements to earn a ULSNA cord and an officer charm?

To earn a ULSNA cord at graduation, you must be an active member for at least 4 semesters (2 years) and earn 10 community service points, with only 2 points allowed from donations. You also must be active during your graduating semester. To earn a charm, you must be a ULSNA officer for at least two semesters (1 full year).

2. What does it mean to be an active member?

To maintain active membership, you must pay your dues, attend at least two-thirds of meetings each semester, and earn at least one community service point per semester.

3. What are the membership fees?


One year: New members: $50, Returning members: $55

Two years: New members: $90, Returning members: $95

4. When do applications open?

Applications are only open for two weeks after the first general meeting of each semester.

5. Why do we pay dues?

Dues go towards your national membership (NSNA) and your ULSNA membership. NSNA membership allows you to log into the national website and access benefits, such as attending national conventions for little to no cost if sponsored by ULSNA to attend.

6. Can I still join if I’m a senior?

Yes, you are more than welcome to join if you're a senior; however, you need to join by at least your 308 semester to be eligible to earn a cord, as you need 4 active semesters to qualify for a cord.

7. Can I join if I am not in clinical yet?


Absolutely! We welcome all nursing students to join at any point in their education!

8. How many meetings are hosted each semester?

We host three meetings per semester, all of which feature guest speakers. In order to be active, you are required to attend two of the three meetings every semester.

9. Is there any training or module I need to complete as a member?

Yes, you are required to complete an anti-hazing module which can be found on ULINK. Failure to do so will result in your points being cut in half. Once the module is completed by the determined date during the semester, please email the certificate to We are required by the university to have our members submit anti-hazing modules in order to be recognized as an official organization, so that is why they are mandatory for our organization.

10. What happens if I don’t attend enough meetings?

If you do not attend at least two-thirds of the meetings in a semester, your community service points for that semester will be cut in half and you will not be considered active for that semester.

11. When are officer elections held?

Officer positions are up for election at the end of every spring semester. Nominations are taken at the second spring semester meeting and voting takes place at the third spring semester meeting via an electronic ballot. Elections for vacant officer positions may also be conducted at the end of the fall semester as needed for positions that will be open for that following spring semester.

12. When and where do I need to pick up my merchandise?

Merchandise MUST be picked up by the last cubicle hour of the semester. We host cubicle hours every Thursday from 1-2 in Wharton 328 except when the university is closed. If your merchandise is not picked up by the last cubicle hour, the merchandise will be returned to stock, and you will not be refunded. This is to ensure that we have accurate inventory going into the next semester.

13. How much of a time commitment is being a general member of ULSNA?


We understand that we are all nursing majors so time is very valuable. The time commitment to be an active member of ULSNA is not extensive as it includes attending our general meetings (which are typically about an hour each), volunteering to earn at least one community service point per semester, attending membership events, etc.! Officers have to attend a few more meetings per semester to plan for meetings/events! You get out what you put in!

14. Important dates: Last day to pick up merch- final cubicle hour of the semester; Last day to earn points for semester- final day of EXAMS with the exception of graduation volunteers


All information is referenced from our Bylaws which can be found here


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